Grade Size
Temperature in F

GPT = Gallons per Thousand

Last Revised Date: 4/18/17

Disclaimer and No Warranty Statement: Badger Mining Corporation can give no assurance or makes no warranty that the information contained herein is current, accurate or complete or warranty any results obtained through the use of this product. The information, recommendations, products, or methods set forth herein were believed by Badger Mining Corporation to be accurate at the time of preparation or obtained from sources believed to be reliable but it makes no expressed or implied warranties for the use, or performance of product. The documents are not intended to relieve the user from its responsibility to investigate and understand other pertinent sources of information and to comply with all laws and procedures applicable to the safe handling, transportation, storage and use of products represented here. Badger Mining Corporation does not control the conditions under which the user uses, handles, stores or transports ATLAS products. Material safety data sheets are provided for products referenced in this document. Badger Mining Corporation does not control the use of these products and it is the responsibility of the user to train and inform those associated with the safe product handing and use.